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Child Watch
At the y

(Ages 2 years - 10 years)

Monday – Friday: 4:30pm-8:30pm | Saturday: 8:30am – 1:30pm

More than ever, busy parents need support. When parents come to the Y for a class, group activity, or workout, their kids need a safe, enriching environment where they can build healthy, trusting relationships with other kids and adult supervisors.

In Child Watch, children aged 2 to 10 years old play under the supervision of caring, trained Y staff. At the same time, their parents are able to relax, connect with other Y members, and enjoy healthy activities at the Y.

Child Watch is available free of charge for those with Family Memberships and $5 per visit for other members. Parents may leave their children in Child Watch for a maximum of 90 minutes a day. Parents MUST be in the YMCA facility when using Child Watch.