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Child Watch
At the y

(Ages 2 years - 10 years)

Monday – Friday: 4:30pm-8:30pm | Saturday: 8:30am – 1:30pm

More than ever, busy parents need support. When parents come to the Y for a class, group activity, or workout, their kids need a safe, enriching environment where they can build healthy, trusting relationships with other kids and adult supervisors.

In Child Watch, children aged 2 to 10 years old play under the supervision of caring, trained Y staff. At the same time, their parents are able to relax, connect with other Y members, and enjoy healthy activities at the Y.

Child Watch is available free of charge for those with Family Memberships and $5 per visit for other members. Parents may leave their children in Child Watch for a maximum of 90 minutes a day. Parents MUST be in the YMCA facility when using Child Watch.

The Meadowlands YMCA will be opening at 9am on Monday January 20th. We will continue to monitor the weather and make any further announcements regarding closure here, by email, and social media pages
The Meadowlands YMCA will be opening on a delayed schedule on 1/20 at 9am.